Configuring WebDAV for Windows 7


Set up Windows 7 to access WebDAV files directly from !ServiceName!.



  1. From the Start menu, select Computer.
  2. From the window tool bar, select Map network drive.
  3. Select a drive letter to map this to.
  4. Enter https://!DomainName!/files in the Folder location, then click Finish.
  5. Enter the email address and password you use to sign into !ServiceName! (then click Ok).

A window should appears showing the contents of your folder.

You can manage the files in the folder using Windows Explorer, just as you would any other file or folder on your computer.

This includes copying files to and from the !ServiceName! projects, or copying a folder to your desktop for faster access.




From inside !ServiceName!, you can mark projects as "Favorites".

after you do this, change the URL from "/files" to "/file", like this:




Or grab the project ID:  



(go to a project, and get the project id to the right of "project=")


Tags: Windows, XP, WebDAV, Files, Projects